New European regulation for online payments with Stripe

@clavaque At least an info would be nice…


Could not agree more, when someone does not respond it’s (almost) not a good sign.


Hi guys. Sorry I haven’t been around the forums much the last days, I’m working full time on the Stripe SCA implementation, and avoid looking at anything else to not get caught up in other things. Can’t say what day I’ll have it ready to try. Yes, for the form I ended up using their Elements product (for the UI), and it took me some time to understand what other APIs to use (they have several that work together, but not all are SCA ready) and sequence of events to follow with their new approach (on the back-end). Their documentation has a lot of info, but somehow it misses stuff needed to fully get how to implement it without having to dig around a lot and test a few things. It’s been an interesting experience so far, to say the least. I will post here the release to test as soon as I can. I’m terribly sorry I’m so close to the deadline, but I haven’t abandoned you. :pray:


Hi Cristian,
Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions, because I admit that we began to seriously worry about the lack of news.

I believe that the code changes are really big and require a lot of work for one man and I hope you can release this update as soon as possible so that we do not lose too many customers (PayPal does not replace Stripe because everyone does not want to open an account).

Good luck and please give us news about your progress from time to time (at least once a week).

Best regards. Brice.


Here are some good references regarding this new regulation, that some of you may find helpful:

Basically, the payment may need SCA if the business and the customer are in the EU.

Even when that’s the case, you may be exempt from needing SCA to get paid. See:

Also good to know, is that many countries are planning to have a delayed or limited enforcement, a phased implementation, or a transition period. See:


Hi Cristian,

I am a French company and my sales are done almost only with French customers…
It is therefore very likely that the SCA is charged to my Stripe payments as of September 14th or soon after…
So I hope that the update will not be too late and that its absence don’t affects my already light incomes.

Best regards. Brice.

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I know it applies to lots of you already following this thread.

I posted the above links for the several others that arrive here trying to figure it out and are confused and wondering how it affects them, hoping it’ll help them understand it better, and maybe give a few some relief.


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Quick update: Very good progress last week. Not ready yet, but it finally feels like the home stretch now!



Thats great news!

What would you say the chances of the update rolling out before the 14th?

Great - any chance that you also include some more Stripe sources or Stripe sources in general (maybe that’s easier with the rewrite then).

great to hear
thanks Cristian!

Hi Cristian,
Very good news, let’s keep our fingers crossed so that everything works perfectly and quickly :wink:
Best regards. Brice.

This in my box from PayPal today. So if you’re UK based, you might be ok… for now at least.


Don’t get left behind when PSD2 goes live!

You’ll know that the EU’s second Payment Services Directive (PSD2) legislation comes in to force on 14 September 2019, which means credit and debit card providers across Europe will have to guarantee more secure card payments online using two-step verification, known as Strong Customer Authentication (SCA).

The UK financial regulator (FCA) has recently announced that they are allowing an 18 month implementation period for SCA for UK card issuers, with all firms to have completed this implementation by March 2021.

However, some non-UK customer payments may still be impacted straight away - so you will need to keep your systems up to date.

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If/when there is a Brexit, you might not have to worry about this at all if your customers are UK-based right? :rofl:

Yes it’s the same good message for France and many others country, you can look up at this link:
Thanks. Best regards.

Thanks for sharing, Seth.

Problem is, that banks can implement it anyhow. I can already see 10percent of payments failing last month, Vs 5 percent before because some credit card suppliers/banks already enforce it.
Those extensions are granted to the banks who messed up their smartphone apps, but no single country forbids the enforcement, hence once your bank is ready for ity they will enforce it because it saves them money and makes fraud charges much harder (hence saves them money for compensation)

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You’re absolutely right that’s why we look forward to updating the Stripe API on s2Member.
Best regards. Brice.

well - 0 successful payments via Stripe today for me. 6 users failed trying to pay. So plainly speaking - it’s not working anymore (5x Germany, 1x Italy).

I’ve left the form active, but put a big warning banner advising people to pay via paypal instead (using paypal buttons).

I’m very sorry that I still haven’t posted a beta for this. I’ve been working non-stop on it.

Although it’s not the release yet, I know you’re -rightfully- eager for it and waiting, so I wanted to let you know where it stands with an update:

I almost had a beta this Friday, but hit a new bump with this old issue:

With Jason’s approach, a subscription gets broken up into a direct charge for the first term, and a subscription with a trial period equivalent to that first term, so the first subscription payment is after the one that was charged directly first…

Although payments still went through, reporting had already started being complicated because of the “trialing” status. He had a good reason at the moment to do it that way, but it’s not functional anymore with the new SCA approach.

When requiring SCA, the direct payment and the subscription payments, both would need the authorization separately. So that has to go. I wasn’t planning to tackle that yet, but now it’s required.

I know you’re trusting me, and I wanted you to know that I am on it fully. The whole migration/upgrade has been quite complex, but I’ve sorted out most of it. I’m sorry for the delay and not having the beta yet. I’m so close… :pray: